Happy Full Moon


So, what exactly does the full moon do, and why is it significant? The short answer: the moon is at its, yes, fullest. This peak phase is the culmination—therefore, most energetic and charged—of the lunar cycle. And because the full moon is ready to wane into a new cycle, it’s also symbolically a time to let go—clearing blocks, old habits, ways of thinking, etc. Here, some ways to honor nature’s rhythm and your own self reflection. 


1. Clear Your Space

An easy fix for bad juju is a smudge stick. White sage (the most-common) is particularly potent and purifying. But if the smell and/or smoke is too much, swap in sweet-smelling Palo Santo.

Check out made-in-LA Cast of Stones’ starter kit—white sage bundle and clear quartz. (P.S. I also love their crystal-infused, roll-on essential oils.) 

Or cleanse your aura and banish bad vibes with Poof—Be Gone! Like a magic wand, the mix of white roses, Queen’s Anne lace, and eucalyptus are armed to brighten and clear.


2. Soak with Bath Salts

I’m a bona-fide bath fanatic. Good thing they’re especially beneficial on and around a full moon. The key: salt to clear and ground.Budget: My bathroom is always stocked with my stand-by—Ancient Minerals magnesium flakes. The upgraded version of Epsom salt contains magnesium chloride (instead of sulphate) for better absorption into the skin.Mid-range: Pursoma makes organic, wild-harvested line of scrubs and bath salts. I love their Digital Detox made with French green clay and fleur de sel. (And when I’m feeling under the weather, their ginger-added Hot Tub has me sweating it out and on the way to recovery.)Splurge: I’m obsessed with Lord Jones’ products. And I love lusting—it’s like window shopping—after everything from pâte de fruit to body oils with its beautiful, luxe packaging. Soak like royalty (or aspire to) with this jar that’s packed with pink Himalayan and Epsom salts, calendula petals, arnica and—surprise—CBD.


3. Connect to Your Intuition

Say “hello” to the Third Eye Opener. This bouquet of anemones and roses (available in medium or large) is programmed to open your sixth chakra and connect you to your intuition. 

Ready for a first date? Meet your intuition with a 20-minute, one-on-one meditation. I’ll visually guide you through grounding, clearing your chakras, replenishing your energies, and exploring your third eye. 


4. Journal

Look inward, and ask: What do I want to let go of? What’s getting in my way? Release all your fears and doubts onto paper. But also celebrate this month’s accomplishments and list everything you’re grateful for.

My go-to for jotting down all my dreams and “thanks” is the gold standard: Moleskin. I love the weight of the pages and the leather-bound covers—so it can lay and stay open flat when writing—of these timeless notebooks. Bonus: I personalize mine with an intention or reminder for added sparkle.